2 Day Easter Fours Tournament


April 8


09:00 am - 04:00 pm

Event Category:

Open, Tournaments

Click to Register: Click to Register


Phone: 027 650 0009

Glen Eden Bowling Club

When: 8th & 9th APRIL
Time: 9am start both days
Prizes: Prize pool $10000 dependant on full entries – 1st $4000, 2nd $2000, 3rd $1200, 4th $600, 5th $300. Best on day but not in to prizes $200, last game winners on the Sunday if not in prizes $120$120×14.
Format: Any Combination 2 Bowls Fours, Sat 4 games of 1hr 30min Sun 3 games of 1hr 30mins. Out of bounds jack to be placed by opposing skip, killed jack to be placed on the 2-metre.
Food: Lunch and Morning Tea supplied. Beer tent and specials on the day! Entertainment Saturday Night, Calcutta Friday night from 6pm
Cost: Fee $300 per team, no refunds unless event cancelled.
Wear: Club Colours/Whites or Team Uniform
Entry: Limited to 32 Teams. Entries and payment must be received by 5th April via the online form: https://forms.gle/Z3H4A7Lk1ZoGydVh9
Contact: Sharon 027 650 0009