Become a sponsor

We have a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit your budget where you can help the ~199 members of the club enjoy the game and camaraderie of other members, and we can promote your business to them as well as the many people from the local community who come to the club for social bowls, quiz nights, housie, and private functions. Options include but aren’t limited to:

Advertising in the annual club handbook:

@ $230 for a half page, $400 for a full page

Signs on the side of the greenkeeper’s shed

@ $517.50 per year (two spots left) for sign 1.6m wide by 1m tall. Signwriting and installation at your expense.

Signs (230mm x 95mm) on the back of outdoor seating beside greens

@$140 for members, $207 for non-members per seat.

Signs on bottom of scoreboards

@$250 per scoreboard for a year which covers printing costs, or $150 if you get your signed printed yourself.

Tournament/Championship sponsorship

               Ranges from $50 to $400 for one day event, by negotiation for two day tournaments.

Quiz night sponsorship

               $149.50 per night, open to negotiation for a long-term commitment

Mates and Bowls Business House Bowls tournaments

Two 6-week tournaments well supported by local business teams. Sponsorship/naming rights currently held by local real estate agents at cost of $500+GST per tournament.

Other Signage around the club grounds

We’re open to discuss options based on an annual rent for a sign. As a guide we have two firms with 3x1m signs on walls at the club current paying $660 per annum

What the club can provide you in return:

  • Your company logo on the club web page
  • Invitation to attend the annual club prizegiving.
  • Acknowledgement in our regular e-newsletters and on social media.
  • Half price hall hire
  • A complimentary social membership
  • Free use of the green for a work away day or corporate function for sponsorships of $250 and over
  • Ads on our smart-screen slide show display in the clubrooms

Sponsorship of a tournament can also include:

  • Sponsor’s team can receive a free entry to their tournament if event budget allows
  • Acknowledgement on publicity (print, web, social media)
  • Invitation to set up banners, distribute promotional material and/or set up information stand on the day, and to present prizes.

Hopefully there’s an option or a combination of several that appeals to you.

.If you have any other ideas for how you’d like to get involved with our club please let us know.