1978 – The club’s green was officially opened after years of flea markets, raffles and stalls. The ladies were thankful for the use of the Oratia Bowling club’s green for their first year, until their green was ready to play on.
1979 – The first year of bowls at the Club. The pavilion was built and ready for opening day in September. Kay Reading raised the flag, Kath Jones laid the mat, and Jean Southey put up the first
1986 – Extensions were added to the pavilion
1990 – An addition was added to the building with a modernised kitchen, while outside a fence, seats and shed were added. These were thanks to $10,000 lottery grant and much fundraising.
1991 – The green was fully fenced.
1997 – Renovations to the roof were completed
2004 – Amalgamation with the Men’s Club.
2007- The buildings at Women’s Bowling Club were sold to the Ministry of Education for a Day Care centre, sale price $145,000.