Bowling, Results

Match Report: Les Dunn Memorial ACT

It’s the beginning of a long weekend starting Saturday 25 January. The day is bright and sunny day and bowlers from near and far are arriving to take part in the inaugural Les Dunn Memorial ACT Tournament 

Twenty-two entries including teams from Carlton Cornwall, Blockhouse Bay, Takapuna, Mairangi Bay, New Lynn, Henderson, Grey Lynn, Milford, Titirangi, Te Atatu, Royal Oak, Jenny & Jeff Tough (Life Members),Ray Brown, Glen Eden., what a good turn out considering there are other 2 day tournaments around Auckland this weekend.

The first day started well:

Then after lunch the weather started to change,  becoming overcast and windy for the last game of the day. By evening it started to rain.

Sunday and the weather hadn’t changed much since Saturday evening raining off and on. What a turnaround weather wise.

The teams came prepared with extra clothes to change into later. The games started slightly after 9am due to the rain. The first round didn’t quite make the 1.5hr as the B Green started to flood & A Green which is carpet started to do the same.

Everyone came for morning tea and waited half an hour to see what the weather was going to be like. It eased off a bit but as soon as everyone went out to play the rain took a heavier turn, and the Match Committee decided it was best to call it a day and go with the results from the 1st day & the 1st game on the 2nd day, so it was an early finish and an early lunch which everyone appreciated.

At the start of the prizegiving members who knew Les had the opportunity to speak about him and what he did to support the club.

And then it was onto the results:

1 team with 5 wins – Sean Doran, Cameron Higgins & Richard Salter
5 wins – 41 ends – 82 points

1 team with 4.5 wins – Andrew Harry, Graham Lintonbon, Moana Daniels
4.5 wins – 40 ends – 78 points

There were 4 teams with 4 wins but one team just missed out by the differential.
Team (i) 4 wins – Colin Boyle, Rosary Sellick, Liz Teiti (Carlton Cornwall)
4 wins – 42 ends – 79 points
Team (ii) 4 wins – Dale Knight, Janet Pihigia, Terry Teiti (Composite)
4 Wins – 41 ends – 69 points
Team(iii) 4 wins – Wayne Russell, Nick Bell, Jenny Jones

Thank you

Thank you to the sponsors EDMONTON MEADOWS CARE HOME.
Thank you to Lyn Job & Yvonne & Peter Lipsham for sponsoring the trophy.
Thank you to the volunteers in the kitchen: Lyn, Wendy, Graeme Ward, Jim, Faye, Agnes, Melissa, Sharon Bostock, Phil Metcalfe, and Roscoe for the music.
Thank you to volunteers that helped the Greens Super Graeme Storie, Barry, Brian aka Patch, Jim, and Darrell.
Thank you to the bar – Graham aka Choochoo, Wendy, Melissa & Dan.
Thank you Darren & Janet for taking the photos.
A big thanks to Sharon for running the event
Thank you to anyone that may have been missed in mentioning but most of all THANK YOU TO EVERYONE that came and participated in our first Les Dunn Memorial ACT Tournament. We hope to see you next year at the same time for this tournament.

Les Dunn joined the Club in 1964 at just 26 years of age. Les was honoured in 2018 with life membership for all the work he had done for the club as he celebrated his 80th birthday and 50 years at Glen Eden. Les was a top indoor bowler, gaining representative honours in 1978 and a trip to Australia. He has 2 NZ titles along with his 15 club titles. Not bad at outdoor either, with 24 club titles.

Les was President from 1993-95 and spent many years on the Executive, noted for his time on Social with particular emphasis on selling raffles. In later years Les was our Mr Clean Up man and took care of much of the lawnmowing duties, and his support of the club continued after his death with the club being named as a beneficiary of his estate.

He is remembered and sadly missed by so many who have known him throughout the decades, and hence the club has named its anniversary weekend tournament in his honour.