The evening was cloudy and dull… until the bowlers arrived. Just as the final round of Mates ‘n’ Bowls started it rained but not for long. The teams kept playing and enjoying the banter amongst each other.
The rain stopped and the games were back to full momentum. The end of the games was near and dinner is ready – yum ham spuds steamed veges & bread rolls. We didn’t forget about some of the players that liked vegan.
1st – Pete & the Pied Pipers
2nd – CBD
3rd – Why are we here?
The best costume award went to Don’s Angels
Well done to Yvonne and all the volunteers who make this tournament such a popular success, and thanks to our sponsors James & Kerry from Barfoot & Thompson Glen Eden for their continued support, and tell you friends to get a team together for the next Mates ‘n’ Bowls league in September/October ’23