The Miriam Corban Blue Ribbon Tournament was the fourth charity event the club has held to bring together players, sponsors and supporters to help highlight important health issues for the community.
The club held its annual fundraising event on Sunday 18th September under blue prostate sky and slight wind. As of 9:00am we had 16 teams entered but the chief organiser thought a team had come in and paid without being on the list so confusion set in, which allowed a team’s 3rd player to arrive late, so our president played the first game under the acceptance of the chief organiser and the Ellerslie team who they were playing.
It was pleasing to see a full green of bowlers from all over Auckland to help us support the Prostate Cancer cause. Visitors from Henderson, Browns Bay, Ellerslie, Royal Oak, Mt Eden, New Lynn, Blockhouse Bay, Grey Lynn, Oratia and our own Glen Eden members.

A big thank you to Dan, Jenny and Graham for their help on the bar, also to Yvonne, Jennifer, Sharon, Melissa, and Agnes for help with morning tea; Jim for being the go between with Toby’s Fisheries for our fish and chip lunch; and Graeme and Jim for organising the auction of donated goods which raised $450 towards our end goal.
More thanks to members of GEBC for their generous sponsorship. There are too many to thank and name… but we will: Peter Lipsham, Peter Bell, San Kent, Graeme Storie, Graham Lintonbon, Janet Pihigia, Barry Shaw, Ken Thomas, Graeme Ward, Wendy Mather, Jim Close, Dave Gwilliam, Keith Pickernell, Jeremy Bronson, Grant Bronson, Prutvi Kumar, Siosiana Simpson, Robin Neal, and Don MacDonald.
Finally, a big thank you to our regular sponsors the Miriam Corban Retirement Village (Ryman Healthcare) for the continued support. By chance Ryman’s official charity partners for 2022, as picked by their residents, is the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand. Residents and Ryman team members are running raffles, barbecues and bake sales over the year and for each dollar raised by residents and staff Ryman Healthcare chips in another dollar.
After all calculations and all prizes paid out, the club was left with a total of $1622 to pass on to the Prostate Cancer Foundation to support their important work.
The prize winners on the day were:

3rd: Parmesh Raman, Keith Prosser, & Mikey Pretley (Mt Eden / Glen Eden) with 3 ½ wins

The consolation prize went to Wayne, Rosco, & Phil from Glen Eden.

Prostate Cancer Foundation
PO Box 301313, Albany, Auckland 0752
HELPLINE: 0800 4 PROSTATE (0800 477 678)