Bowling, Events, Juniors

Great Western Showdown #5

While the morning was a bit foggy the day turned out to be a nice, dry, and warm for Glen Eden’s annual ACT for junior year 1-3 players.

18 teams participated in this event coming from Orewa, Mairangi Bay, Birkenhead/Takapuna, Blockhouse Bay, Mt Albert, Royal Oak, Rocky Nook, Mt Eden, Epsom, Maraetai, Hobsonville, Pukekohe, Pt Chev, Carlton Cornwall with several of them forming composite teams.

There were excellent bowls happening throughout the day. The bar was open and kitchen ladies cooked a beautiful lunch for our guests.

Some were dressed to the theme: Cowboy or Cowgirl and some were wrapped up for the winter weather which was a wise option as the weather did change when it got late into the afternoon; The sunny weather disappeared, and the cold drizzly weather set in. Luckily, it was near the end of the games which were still able to finish before it got dark.

A big thanks to our main sponsors: James, Kerry and the team from Barfoot and Thompson Glen Eden.

Other sponsors who helped out were Yvonne and Peter Lipsham, Janet Pihigia and Sharon Stewart.

Thank you also to Graham Lintonbon for looking after the bar and the kitchen ladies Teresa, Dixie, Yvonne, Tee & Margarita; Alan Carbine from Blockhouse Bay for helping in giving the green a touch up on the marking and helping with the umpiring for the day.

Especially a big thank you to Sharon for helping get the prizes ready, tallying up the score cards, and assisting with any questions during the games.

It was also great to see so many supporters come to rally behind their juniors

The instigators of this event Sam Sattler, Graeme Ward & Wendy Mather. Sam Sattler is usually at this event every year, but not this year as ill health has gotten the best of him. Thank you, Sam, for the leg work that you did in the past to make this annual event such a popular one for Junior players.


Kerry Kirwan from sponsors Barfoot & Thompson Glen Eden Congratulates the winner team from Royal Oak Nicole Singer, David Weir, Lee Singer with 4 wins, 26 ends and 52 points
2nd: (4 wins) Colleen, Herbert & Craig from Block House Bay with 4 wins, 22 ends

There 2 teams with 4 wins & 6 teams with 3 wins. It came right down to differential for 3rd place.

3rd: Mukesh, Paedro & Robert with 25 ends, 55pts and 27 pts against
Mairangi Bay – Rosemary, Flora, & Marion picked up the consulation prize
Best Dressed Cowgirls rode in from Mairangi Bay