Bowling, Results

Mates ‘n’ Bowls3Five finals nite

Just before the big stay in we played host to the final night of the latest six week season of Mates n’ Bowls3Five on Thursday 19 March, kindly sponsored by Lindsay Hooke from Barfoot & Thompson.

Once again Yvonne and her team of volunteers put on a fun final evening of bowls and socializing, with the players entering into the spirit with some some fun attire. The prizes for the best dressed went to Guacabowly!

Special CONVIS-19 food serving rules were applied so everyone could safely enjoy the food prepared by Judy and her ‘Kitchen Bitches’

The winners for this season were:

1st: Peter & the Pied Pipers – Peter, Mike, Sam & Alex

2nd: Still Lost in Space – Jo, Don, & Catman

3rd: Bowlderdash – Max, Terry & Eric

Our congratulations to them and all that took part.
